ORVALDI 450/650/850 series works in class Line-Interactive. With fully microprocessor control provides a high degree of protection of connected devices, it secures your data loss from power failure, surge, and sags. Wide input voltage range and power stabilization AVR extend the life of the batteries.
ORVALDI MC series works in class Line-Interactive. With fully microprocessor control provides a high degree of protection of connected devices, it secures your data loss from power failure, surge, and sags.
Wide input voltage range and power stabilization AVR extend the life of the batteries.
The ORVALDI 520/620 series, featured with smart microprocessor control design AVR boost end buck, smart RS232 interface end cold start function, is a cost-effective solution to your mission-critical PC end valuable peripherals.
Advanced Battery Management prevents Deep-Discharge of the built battery during a power failure when the connected bad is minimum.
The ORVALDI 520/620/820 series, featured with smart microprocessor control design AVR boost end buck, smart RS232 interface end cold start function, is a cost-effective solution to your mission-critical PC end valuable peripherals.
Advanced Battery Management prevents Deep-Discharge of the built battery during a power failure when the connected bad is minimum.
Provides a high-performance but inexpensive power protection solution for most of business critical file servers, minicomputers, network switches and hubs, etc..
Sine Wave Output provides assurances of compatibility with at kinds of loads.
4-Step Battery Management prevents deep discharge of the built-in battery during a power failure when connected load is small.
ORVALDI 450/650/850 series works in class Line-Interactive. With fully microprocessor control provides a high degree of protection of connected devices, it secures your data loss from power failure, surge, and sags. Wide input voltage range and power stabilization AVR extend the life of the batteries
ORVALDI 600/700/800LCD series works in class Line-Interactive. With fully microprocessor control provides a high degree of protection of connected devices, it secures your data loss from power failure, surge, and sags. Wide input voltage range and power stabilization AVR extend the life of the batteries.